Misspelled Keyword Generator

Misspelled Keyword Generator




You Save 400.00


Quick Overview

Category : Software
File Size : 361 KB

This product is inclusive of ready made web site allowing you to resell this software instantly. Additional items such as graphics, marketing articles, promotional text and other items may also included with the package as well.

"Misspelled Keyword Generator"

Of All The Keywoyd And Phrase SearchesEntered
Into Major Search Engines Each Day Over 10 to
20,000,000 Of Them Are All Misspelled.

Some of these spelling errors are so common that they are searched for thousands of times each day.

This is MAJOR targeted traffic and most of the result that come up in the number one spot for may of these terms are there by accident.

Anyone who can do just a little SEO can capitalizeon this targeted traffic right now. But you`ve got know that the most common misspelling are first right!...

Missspelled Keyword Generator will allow you to enter any keyword or phrase (spelled correctly :-) and then press the "Find Misspellings" Button.